Case study 1 – Study Calendar App
This personal project will be part of my online portfolio and it wants to demonstrate what I have learned till now about the user experience.
I would like to specify that being a project developed for personal purposes I have followed only the most important steps of the UX process.
This case study concerns the creation of a mobile app prototype. First of all I started by creating an online survey:
User Research: to understand user needs and goals
For who?
Young people from 18 to 30, students and / or workers.
What questions did I ask?
- Gender and age
- Which subjects do you study?
- Are you a working student or do you frequent other activities in your free time?
- Have you ever used apps for studying?
- What kind of app do you use or would you like to use for studying?
- What are your difficulties?
- What are your needs?
- Which study methods are most useful and effective for you to memorize concepts?
Question 1 – 1.2

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

- A: App to better manage all commitments and make the study simple and effective.
- B: App for taking notes.
- C: App to relax and concentrate.
- D: App to train your memory.
- E: App for tourism subjects.
- F: I don’t feel the need to use apps to study.
Question 6

- A: I can’t organize very well my study hours and to be productive.
- B: I can’t concentrate.
- C: I can’t memorize without writing.
- D: Nothing in particular.
Question 7

- A: I wish I could compare myself with other students.
- B: I would like to manage better my notes.
- C: I would like to speed up the time to memorize.
- D: Nothing in particular
Question 8

User persona: to create an ideal identikit

Name: Joseph
Profession: Student and worker
Quote: “I’d like to keep going to work, but I’m afraid of losing some lessons explained by the professor”
Biography: Joseph is a 20 year old boy studying in the computer science faculty, and he also works twice a week. Usually he follows lessons in class, but when he can’t go to university for work he can’t have all the notes and he doesn’t have time to organize them very well. In these cases, to have some notes he has already tried to ask his closest colleagues, however, they too have commitments and not always they can attend lessons constantly.
Goal: Joseph wants to manage better his notes for each subject, comparing himself with other students.
Needs: He always wants to have all the notes of the lessons, and to be able to go quietly even at work.
Design thinking: probable solutions for real problems
Feature : An ideal app for Joseph could be a calendar with the university lessons time. The possibility to download free documents or slides inserted by professors for each subject could be useful. A chat to communicate with other students of the same course of study would also be interesting. Furthermore, I think it is important to design the appearance of the app also for students with visual impairments.
Benefit: He will be able to study and continue going to work or doing any other extra activity. He will feel less stressed because he will always have all the documents well organized and easily available.
User Flow: to describe all the possible actions of each user

Sitemap: to build the structure of user actions

Paper prototype

Digital prototype and video preview


Amazing project!
Thanks for your feed 🙂
Very interesting project!
Thank you dear 🙂